Krysse Fortune is here today with her book - To Break a Warrior King’s Curse!

Leonidas can fight anything except dark magic.
He inherited his father’s curse along with the Fae throne. Thanks to a rogue witch, if he doesn’t bed a different woman every month, he’ll turn feral. A man can only stand so much meaningless sex. No wonder he hates witches.
When he meets Meena, he intends to seduce her, not love her.
Meena’s a witch who never developed any powers.
Banished to the mundane world, she masquerades as human. When she accidentally bonds with an escaped war dragon, Leonidas comes to reclaim it. His enemies strip him of his powers, and his month’s almost up.
What happens when he discovers she’s a witch? And how will this warrior king cope when his curse kicks in and forces him into another woman’s bed.
PLEASE NOTE This book was previously sold with the title CURSE OF THE FAE KING.
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Meena almost retched. Everything she learned about the Elves made her hate them more. “That potion. What was it?”
“Distilled musk taken from a female rat as she comes into season,” her companion whispered.
“Randy rat juice?” Meena spluttered. “And I drank it.”
A second woman entered, carrying short lengths of rope. “And soon, just like an animal in heat, you will burn for the touch of a man.”
The outer door swished open then someone closed it with a bang. She didn’t care that she was naked and defenseless. She just wanted the victor to screw her hard and fast. Or maybe slow and easy. Perhaps both. In her best dreams, he brought a friend.
Her raging hormones didn’t care as long as someone relieved the burning need between her legs. Another wave of desire hit her, shooting fresh longings to her sensitized nerve endings. Her need blossomed into pain—intense, clear, and sharp. She trembled. She needed. She wanted. Goddess, if she didn’t come soon, she’d explode. She heard a flint strike, and a candle cast eerie shadows across the entry room.
In the name of the collective covens, I’m in here. Get a move on. Please.
The scent of chocolate and chili assailed her, and then Leonidas strode to her side. Face stern, he spun on his heel and shoved a chair against the door handle. He moved to the bed, towering over her as he stared at her face through the flickering candlelight. He frowned as, back arched, hips rolling, she demanded, “Don’t just stand there. Fuck me.”
More about Kryssie Fortune.
Kryssie reads everything and anything, from literary fiction to sizzling romance. Her earliest memory is going to the library with her mother. She can’t have been more than two at the time. Reading, especially when a book’s hot and explicit, is more than a guilty pleasure. It’s an obsession.
Kryssie needed a world for her Scattered Sibling adventures. With its green sky, carnivorous plants and rats bigger than cars, the otherworld is a violent place. Lykae, Fae, and vampires all live there. If the characters come to our mundane world, they often visit the North Yorkshire resort town of Whitby—British home of all things gothic and weird. For Kryssie, mixing reality and fantasy is the best entertainment.
Kryssie lives on the coast, about thirty miles from Whitby, and she know it well. She enjoys gardening, travel, and socializing with her author friends. You’d be surprised how many erotic romance authors live in the north of England.
This year, Kryssie’s main publisher—Loose id – decided it could no longer compete with Amazon. Sadly, they close their doors permanently in May. For Kryssie, getting her book rights back is a chance to go indie. To Break a Warrior King’s Curse is the first book she’s self-published
And the title change?
When she started writing, Kryssie didn’t realize how much she’d fall in love with the otherworld. All her Scattered Sibling’s series books have a title starting with TO… She simply brought this in line with the rest. Please, read and enjoy
What are your favourite scenes in your book: the action, the dialogue, or the romance?
It’s got to be the romance, but it’s got to hang on a good story. Dialogue’s hard though. Before I retired, I worked for a TV soap. It always amazed me that the cast spoke in such short sentences. On screen, it made them sound like real people. I try to incorporate that in my books.
How do you feel about writing a series?
My Scattered Siblings series is a collection of stand-alone tales set in a magical world. The plants are man eating, the Elves misogynistic, and the Lykae and Fae take the heroines’’ breath away with their ferocity and good looks. I love the way the earlier characters crop in cameos throughout the series. It’s like a party with all your best friends invited.
Cat or a dog person?
Both. We always had cats when the kids were little, but we live too near the main road now. When I was younger, I had a Welsh Terrier—a sort of teddy bear on legs. I’d have a dog, but my husband goes all Mr. Spock on me and points out that since our kids both live in London, we sometimes need to zoom off at the drop of a hat. It wouldn’t be fair on the dog. I admit he’s right, but I don’t have to like it.
How do you feel when you finish writing a book?
Finishing a story is like saying goodbye to great friends. I hate cliffhangers and unhappy endings so I can guarantee a happy ever after in my books.
Kryssie would love to hear from you. Here are her media links.
Kryssie Fortune Social Media
Thank you for hosting me.